Carbon black is a black chemical substance that is widely used as a reinforcing material for rubber products, the largest being automotive tires. However, its fantastic blackening power makes it also an ideal product to provide black color to materials like coatings, plastics, paper and others.

Our manufacturer is Suzhou Baohua Carbon Black Co. Ltd., headquartered in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in China. They operate three production sites with a total capacity of 280,000 metric tons per annum, which makes them one of the major producers of carbon black in the country. With the Zhu Yongning Carbon Black R&D Center they operate a research and development unit to steadily improve their processes, quality and surface treatment.


Read more about the Manufacturer

Learn more about our range of Carbon Black pigments.

Our product portfolio

N100 Series: N110, N115, N121, N134
N200 Series: N220, N231, N234
N300 Series: N326, N330, N339, N347, N351, N375
N500 Series: N539, N550
N600 Series: N660
N700 Series: N762, N774

This product range covers the particle size band from 10 to 100 nm. All products are produced in the form of beads to secure a healthy work environment.